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Young people and employers, connected.
FREE STEM National grid lesson pack - Engineering in a new world

FREE STEM National grid lesson pack - Engineering in a new world

We’re delighted to offer you exclusive access to National Grid’s STEM lesson pack for year groups 9-13. What’s included? 1 x teacher lesson plan 1 x student pack with challenge/task (blended learning) **What does it include? ** This resource pack is designed for teachers to deliver an interactive fast-paced workshop focusing on future of energy and environment through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality. The purpose aims to inspire the next generation in rethinking about energy usage, electricity and sustainability in how technology can innovate and support the Net-Zero campaign. Students will have the chance to use their creativity skills in creating new jobs that could exist through AI, discover about Natural capital and how National Grid can protect the future from wildlife, sea life, greenhouse to sustainable environments. Gatsby Benchmark A stable careers programme Learning from career and labour market information Encounters with employers and employees Personal Guidance
FREE National Grid STEM Assembly Takeover- Teacher Pack

FREE National Grid STEM Assembly Takeover- Teacher Pack

We’re delighted to offer you exclusive access to National Grid’s STEM Assembly Takeover teacher pack for students in Years 9-13. **What does it include? ** This resource pack is designed for teachers to deliver an interactive fast-paced workshop focusing on National Grid’s London Power Tunnel (LPT) & Net-Zero/COP 26. Session Objectives This session aims to inspire and inform students about a variety of career opportunities/jobs available at National Grid to help encourage the next generation of students into a STEM career. Students will learn the following: Who is National Grid? How the London Power Tunnel project is contributing to fight against climate change. How National Grid is aiming to achieve Net-Zero by 2050 Future at National Access to National Grid’s Careers Hub This is a fun-interactive session which includes a quiz and video to inspire the younger generation in re-thinking about their future energy consumption and sustainability goals. Teachers will be delivering this session, with a guided video and prompt sheet to help understand the content. Gatsby Benchmark A stable careers programme Learning from career and labour market information Encounters with employers and employees Personal Guidance **How does it work? ** To request a copy of the Assembly Takeover material, please get in touch with Connectr who will send over the pack via email.